We’re already a week into the New Year. If you’re like me you’ll be back at work already, thinking to yourself, “how on earth did this past year go so fast?”
It seems like only yesterday we were at the beginning of 2014 mapping out our goals for the upcoming year. Whilst this time is perfect for realigning your goals and targets there are a number of other factors that hold significant importance if we wish to keep up a steady pace of momentum for the duration of the year.
For many businesses and individuals, the Christmas/New Year break often isn’t a long enough period to recharge their batteries, so January is a really great month whilst everyone around us is attempting to get back into the swing of things to take your time in establishing “why you are doing what you’re doing.” At the risk of sounding like a broken record – our mantra at goRoster is to make sure “you love what you do”. The beginning of a year is the perfect time to remind yourselves why – and to get yourself back into your groove at work.
Here are some tips on how to re engage yourself for 2015
Get a good start to the day – If you’re like me you do your best work in the morning. Often our bodies and brains decide to switch off late afternoon – however this may not be the vase for everyone. Decide on your peak periods throughout the day and smash our your best work during those times.
Take breaks – Get up and get moving throughout the day. Even if it’s just walking outside and up and down the stairs a few times. Fresh air and natural light does your brain the world of good!
Surround yourself with activity – Whilst some prefer to work alone, often surrounding yourselves with other workers can boost productivity and motivation. You’re all working towards a common goal so why not do it together. Get inspired.
Think habits, not motivation – This point is pretty central to the topic of this blog. You want this journey to be long term – not just for the first few month of the year. By creating habits for yourself rather than just enjoying short spurts – you’re more likely to maintain a solid level of output for the whole year.
Limit your to-do list – Creating good-looking lists that cover an entire page can be overwhelming. Try breaking bigger tasks up into smaller ones. A greater sense of achievement can be felt and often creates a desire to push through the rest of your tasks. Bigger tasks take longer – and no one likes crossing off only one or two tasks a day!
No pain, no gain – This point is self-explanatory. It’s not meant to be easy – but you’ll get there.
Know your end goal – Create that shining light at the end of the tunnel. Keep this focal point central to all your work.
Get more help – Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those around you. In today’s society we are exposed to such an overload on information, it’s just a matter or wading your way through it and picking out what’s relevant to you. Talk to those around you and get online. Help is essentially only the click of a button away!
Keep learning – Always keep learning. No one is ever perfect and there is always room to improve. Keep your eyes and ears open and listen to other people in your field.