Millennials – young people born between the 1980s and early 2000s – make up an increasingly large proportion of drinking-age customers. It’s important that good hospitality businesses understand that.

Here are some things you may want to consider in your business to engage and meet their expectations.
They want technology to work. If you have customer loyalty apps, make sure they function well and aren’t flaky. If you’re going to use software, make sure it’s good. People expect it to work. The same goes for your website and Facebook page because millennials will be logging on to look for your menu, opening times and location. It’s all about forward thinking. This generation demands good quality so make sure your products are of a high standard, too.
Plastic straws are out! Look at ways you can incorporate eco-friendly options into the business, as well as sustainable menu choices. Consider adding vegetarian, low-carb and health-conscious items to meet a broad range of tastes and lifestyles.
Low-Alcohol Alternatives
People are looking for far more drink options than beer and wine. Health conscious millennials wanting to limit their alcohol intake, also expect good-quality alternatives.
This is where bar staff can get creative with the mock-tail menu; the combinations are endless.
They want an ‘experience’
Expect millennials to sing your praises if they have a good experience, but conversely, they won’t hold back if they’re not impressed.
Think about the music you’re playing, the general atmosphere, staff interaction and overall vibe.
Keep these suggestions in mind, adapt, and ensure the business is changing to meet the ever-changing market and demographic.
And, most important of all, know your demographic. If your customers are not millennials, you’ll need to look at the specific needs of their generation.